Thursday, May 5, 2011

Got sunburn? We can help! Join the Obagi Blog for at-home sunburn remedies:

1 comment:

  1. I am 26, surfed all my life and have been working on boat for the last 5 years. Needless to say, my skin has taken a beating from the sun. I was also on the contraceptive pill, for about 3 years and this gave me really bad pigmentation. Stopped the pill, started breaking out again. Tried antibiotics and, and...... Nothing helped, started using Obagi about 4 months ago and I have had the best results so far. Not only for the pigmentation, but also breakouts. I have been very good the products everyday and staying out of the sun, but I got really sunburnt about two days ago and now still peeling as usual, but around my mouth the skin is super red, tight and almost granny skin looking, for a lack of a better description. Should I be worried?
